I hate to weigh in on subjects that I don't know enough about, BUT, I can only offer my own experience..
I know of a case where something like this came to light, as per instructions the elders rang the branch, who promptly told them to immediately ring the police. When the guy came out of prison we as a body were given strict guidelines to keep an eye on him, never letting him go to to he KH toilet alone incase a kid went in after, never assigning him to work with youngsters on the ministry, all kinds of safeguards...
I understand that not everyone had the same experience, but that's mine. I'd be interested to know how many times the branch do tell the elders to go straight to the police, and if this is normal, compared to cover ups.
I DO think that going overboard and accusing the society of being paedophile harbourers doesn't necessarily help bring awareness to the problems, it'll just be ignored as rhetoric, as opposed to pointing out very specific policy/legal/individual cases....